What does work look like in the 21st century?
Scanning the horizon
I have started this blog to explore how work methods can foster motivation in human organisations. It is meant to grow organically, and will follow the twists and turns of my work and research.
My first idea was to start from game-thinking and see how it applies to various topics and activities. You can see this unfold in the four-fold series “Why is Scrum so much fun?”
Motivation and engagement
The notions of motivation and engagement are central to game design. This opened a vast field of research for me already, which addresses the question of how work can be both challenging and enjoyable.
From there I have already come across many forms of experiments in managerial innovation. New approaches are flourishing, springing from the acknowledgement that organisations are made of living humans beings.
New forms of organisation are emerging. You may have heard of them as Holacracy, Agile, and other evolutionary systems.
They have one trait in common: The goal is not to build an organisation despite the humans (trying vainly to ‘fix’ their flaws), nor for them (forgetting its overall mission), but simply with them. A fascinating field to investigate.
Please feel welcome to join the discussion
If you would like to be interviewed and share your experience, or to write a guest post in this blog, please reach out via the contact page.
Otherwise, don’t hesitate to react to the posts in the comment sections!
[Photo by Quentin Kemmel on Unsplash]